La Chusa Hill
The ranch acquired an adjoining tract of land in the Loma Alta area of McMullen County in 2005. It contains La Chusa Hill, an historic mesa that is visible for miles. This land had been in the same family for nearly a hundred years and we were pleased to be able to add this historic landmark to La Campana Ranch. A second mesa, the Devils Center Table, is also on the property.
Full moon during the Summer Solstice, as seen through the rocks on top of La Chusa.
This fireplace, at the base of La Chusa Hill, is all that remains of a house built in the 1800's that belonged to local legend
Bragg Wright. He had lived a colorful life and was killed in a shootout on the property. He had requested to be buried on
top of La Chusa Hill and it took twelve men to carry the casket to the top of the hill. The body, in resent years, was moved.
Bragg Wright. He had lived a colorful life and was killed in a shootout on the property. He had requested to be buried on
top of La Chusa Hill and it took twelve men to carry the casket to the top of the hill. The body, in resent years, was moved.
Las Tienditas
The Devil's Water Hole
The flood of 2002 dumped over twenty inches of rainfall, breaking an earthen dam on the large stock pond above the Devil's Water Hole. This break released huge amounts of water to flow down the canyon. This stock pond had been altering the flow of water into the Devil's Water Hole for sixty five years. The rush of water had a huge cleaning and revitalizing effect. It washed away underbrush and years of debris. It opened small caves and created a grotto. The results are truly remarkable.